[AUTOMUSIK] has no publicly accessible functions appointed at this current point in the continuum. in place of [AUTOMUSIK], perhaps you as a singular or group entity could search for productive and happy activities to keep your various body parts interested and obliged.
choose from the following examples:
- move yourself to differing locations at random intervals.
- plant a perennial woody plant into the ground in honor of something that has previously expired.
- transform a flat rounded mass of dough or batter into an edible form for eight to ten humanlike persons.
- decorate the object you previously created in the aforementioned example.
choose from the following:
a. a flag of Austrailia
b. a human foot
c. a large chicken finger
d. a profile of [oprah winfrey]
- determine that a single individual determines themselves to be of a very important nature and remind them that they are a completely replaceable organism.
- establish the exact numerical count of breaded fish fillets you can consume at one single period of time without expulging the undigested remains of your previous servings.
remain clean